Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fish don't always float

For those of you that may have wondered, fish don't always float when they're dead. I know this because Tiger, bless his little fishy heart, died. He likely died on Saturday but I didn't really notice until Sunday. You see, he liked to lay on the rocks at the bottom of his tank and so it didn't seem out of the ordinary to see him there. Then I went to feed him and he didn't move. I had to call my sister to see if you could really flush a dead fish. I mean...the movies lead you to believe that they float when they're dead-which isn't true-so maybe it's not true that you can flush them. Well, you can and so I did. It was harder than I excepted...not to get his little body to go down but I felt a tad disrespectful. But he loved the water and thus it's only fitting he should have a watery grave. He was like a million years lived a long happy water filled well feed life. So long Tiger.